Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy

Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy , Gujarat Ayurved University,gujrat

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy: GAU (Gujarat Ayurved University) has welcomed applications for the Lab. Professional, Lab. Asst, Masseur and different posts. Intrigued candidates can apply for Gujarat Ayurved University (GAU) Recruitment 2020-2021 through the endorsed design at the very latest 30 April 2020.
Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy
Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy  

Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy Significant Date: 

Last Date of accommodation of Application: 30 April 2020

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Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy Vacancy Details 

Laboratory Technician-(Group-C): 10 Posts

Masseur-(Group-C), (Panchkarma): 06 Posts

Staff Nurse-(Group-C), (P. G. Emergency clinic): 06 Posts

Pharmacist (Ayurved)- (Group-C), (P. G. Emergency clinic): 03 Posts

Midwife (Group-C), (P. G. Medical clinic): 03 Posts

Qualification Criteria for Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy  

Instructive Qualification:

Laboratory Technician-(Group-C): B. Pharm (Ayu)/B. Pharm or B.Sc. (Science/Biochemistry/Microbiology/Biotechnology/Nutrition and Dietetics) with one year normal Diploma in Yoga/Yoga and Naturopathy or Equivalent from a Statutory Body.

Masseur-(Group-C), (Panchkarma): HSC with one year professional course in Panchkarma offered by Government perceived Institution/University.

Staff Nurse-(Group-C), (P. G. Clinic): B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. Ayurved Nursing from Statutory University. Enlisted with Gujarat Nursing Council/Indian Nursing Council OR Diploma of Nursing in Ayurveda.

Drug specialist (Ayurved)- (Group-C), (P. G. Clinic): D. Pharm (Ayurved) with two years involvement with perceived emergency clinic or B. Pharm (Ayurved) from a perceived University.

Midwife (Group-C), (P. G. Medical clinic): B.Sc. (Nursing) or B.Sc. (Ayurved Nursing) from a Statutory University.

Read also :-BECIL Technical Assistant and Multi Tasking Staff vacancy 

Midwife,Laboratory Technician,Staff Nurse,Masseur post vacancy instructions to Apply 

Intrigued candidates can apply for Gujarat Ayurved University (GAU) Recruitment 2020-2021 through the endorsed position at the latest 30 April 2020. Candidates are required to apply in the endorsed group accessible at site on http://www.ayurveduniversity.edu.in according to the recommended Performa of Applications structure. Gujarat Ayurved University (GAU) won't consider some other arrangement or application Performa.

for official website click here

Rekha Singh

Author & Editor

New Day, New opportunity